15 Signs they don’t love you back

A Grasp of Reality
2 min readJan 3, 2023


It can be difficult to know for certain whether your partner loves you, especially if you have not explicitly discussed your feelings with each other. However, there are certain behaviors and actions that may indicate that your partner is not as invested in the relationship as you are.

  1. They do not make an effort to spend time with you or make you a priority in their life.
  2. They are not interested in your feelings or concerns and do not make an effort to support you emotionally.
  3. They are dishonest or secretive about their actions or feelings.
  4. They do not make an effort to communicate with you or resolve conflicts in a healthy way.
  5. They do not show affection or physical intimacy towards you.
  6. They are not supportive of your goals and aspirations.
  7. They do not show interest in your life or try to get to know you better.
  8. They do not make an effort to make the relationship work or put in any effort to maintain it.
  9. They are not reliable or dependable and frequently cancel plans or break promises.
  10. They do not show appreciation for you or express gratitude for your contributions to the relationship.
  11. They do not prioritize your needs or consider your feelings when making decisions that affect both of you.
  12. They do not apologize or take responsibility for their actions when they have hurt you.
  13. They do not make an effort to make you feel loved or valued.
  14. They do not show enthusiasm or excitement when they are with you.
  15. They do not talk about a future with you or make any long-term plans together.

If you are experiencing several of these signs in your relationship, it may be a sign that your partner does not love you back. It is important to have open and honest communication with your partner about your feelings and to address any issues that may be affecting the relationship. If you feel like your needs and feelings are not being met in the relationship, it may be time to consider whether this is the right relationship for you.



A Grasp of Reality

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