You can work and travel in Canada with the IEC visa for up to 24 months

A Grasp of Reality
2 min readJan 2, 2023


The International Experience Canada (IEC) travel work visa is a program that allows young people from participating countries to work and travel in Canada for a limited time. The program is designed to give young people the opportunity to gain international work experience and to explore Canada’s vibrant culture and natural beauty.

To be eligible for the IEC travel work visa, you must be between the ages of 18 and 35 and a citizen of a participating country. You must also have a valid passport, proof of sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in Canada, and medical insurance. You may also need to provide a police certificate, depending on your country of citizenship and the length of your stay in Canada.

There are three categories of the IEC travel work visa: the Working Holiday visa, the Young Professionals visa, and the International Co-op (Internship) visa.

The Working Holiday visa is for those who want to work and travel in Canada for up to 24 months. This visa is suitable for people who want to work in a variety of jobs while they explore Canada.

The Young Professionals visa is for those who want to work in Canada to gain international work experience in their field of study or profession. This visa is valid for up to two years and requires a job offer from a Canadian employer.

The International Co-op (Internship) visa is for those who want to work in Canada as part of their post-secondary studies or as a prerequisite for graduation. This visa is valid for up to 12 months and requires a letter of support from your academic institution.

If you are interested in applying for the IEC travel work visa, you must first create an online profile and enter the IEC pool. If you are invited to apply for a visa, you will have 10 days to submit your application and pay the required fees. If your application is approved, you will receive a work permit that allows you to work and travel in Canada for the duration of your stay.

The IEC travel work visa is a great opportunity for young people to gain international work experience and explore Canada’s diverse culture and natural beauty. If you are between the ages of 18 and 35 and want to work and travel in Canada, the IEC travel work visa may be right for you.



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